В аккаунт лучше заходить с антидетект браузера и прокси Австралии.
Формат выдаваемых аккаунтов:
После покупки проверяйте аккаунты немедленно.
После привязки карты или запуска рекламы аккаунты замене не подлежат.
С этих аккаунтов можно заливать рекламу на следующие страны:
Enter to account with the antidetect browser and proxy of Australia.
It is better to add the card from the proxy of the country to which the advertising bay will be.
Format of accounts:
Check accounts immediately after purchase.
Once a card has been added or ads have been launched, accounts cannot be replaced.
You can work with countries:
Before buying, read our rules and recommendations.
To get started, buy few accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you.
В аккаунт лучше заходить с антидетект браузера и прокси Австралии.
Формат выдаваемых аккаунтов:
После покупки проверяйте аккаунты немедленно.
После привязки карты или запуска рекламы аккаунты замене не подлежат.
С этих аккаунтов можно заливать рекламу на следующие страны:
Enter to account with the antidetect browser and proxy of Australia.
It is better to add the card from the proxy of the country to which the advertising bay will be.
Format of accounts:
Check accounts immediately after purchase.
Once a card has been added or ads have been launched, accounts cannot be replaced.
You can work with countries:
Before buying, read our rules and recommendations.
To get started, buy few accounts for testing to make sure they are good for you.